


Mr. & Mrs. Shavers wins $10,000.00 with Powerball


With the nation buzzing around the third largest Powerball jackpot ever—$500,000,000, the DC Lottery family is celebrating winners of a small piece—of that very large pie! Meet Mr. and Mrs. Shavers, the $10,000 winners of the $380 million, February 7th Powerball draw. These love birds have winning on their minds. Before heading to purchase their tickets for tonight's, half a billion draw, they came to cash in their winnings from last week. Married for nearly 58 years, this duo is totally in sync. "I buy the tickets and he [Mr. Shavers] checks to see if they are winners," said Mrs. Shavers. When asked their plans for this win (they are confident they will win the half a billion tonight,) Mrs. Shavers says they will give their granddaughter, "Just a smidge," because she drove them to their winning retailer, Fairfax Liquors. As for if they win the $500 million tonight, the couple plans to do some home landscaping, help out a long-time friend who is ill, travel together and give there three adult children…"just a smidge". We are wishing the Shavers and our entire DC Lottery family, good luck tonight! Congrats again, Mr. and Mrs. Shavers, welcome to the #WinnersCircle and KEEP WINNING!